MINI Aquarium Accessories 迷尼水族精品


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2017年3月14日 星期二

換餌馴餌期的反應 The response of change new bait period



MINI好料,採用天然食材製成,飼料會散發,對大多數魚類來說,具有絕佳的適口性,但少數魚兒,在剛更換新飼料餵食的初期,會出現吐出或不進食情形,魚友不需過度擔心!數天後,狀況即可逐漸改善。建議您,甫更換餵食[mini #1多效合一]好料時,可先投放1~2顆,待魚群入口後,再繼續投放飼料,若超過20分鐘後,魚群仍未吃完,請將飼料撈出,避免飼料腐爛而污染水質。

由於[mini #1多效合一]好料顆粒尺寸較一般市售飼料大,且為沉底式飼料,投餌餵食時,請勿一次投放過多飼料,你可採用少量多次餵食(少量餵食),一方面可減少因魚吃餌過快,未咬嚼後就吞食,造成腸道堵塞或腸道消化不良機會,同時,也可欣賞魚兒游動的美姿,增加與魚的入動性,這就是養魚最大的樂趣!

Many feeder rookie worry that fish do not eat feed after replacement new fish feed, how to do? In fact, this worry is redundant!

Each kind of feed, it has own different taste, size, soft hardness...etc, When fish find eat different taste, size, soft hardness, the fish feed be changed, many fish will spit out the new fish food, The phenomenon is called "anti-prey response". This is a normal reaction, The feeder does not need to worry too much.

All of MINI natural ingredients fish feed made by many natural ingredients, The feed will give off many different flavors, those flavors are very attractive to fish. In the beginning period of the replacement new feed, few fish, maybe not like to eat or eat and spit out food, these are normal response to replacement different feed to fish, only  few days later, it can be improved gradually. Our advice, when you want to feed fish, you can put into 1 or 2 pellet feed, after fish to eat and then continue to feed on, if more than 20 minutes later, the fish has not yet finished, please remove out soon, it will to avoid feed decay and water pollution.

MINI '#1 Multi-effect in one' particle large size than ordinary feed, it is sink type, feeding do not put too much of feed, you can put into little number of feeding, it can avoid fish bait too fast,  and will not reduce  opportunity to cause intestinal blockage intestinal dyspepsia, You can feed fish and appreciate fish`s beauty pose, this is the most fun to feeding fish!

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