MINI Aquarium Accessories 迷尼水族精品


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2016年5月29日 星期日

小型魚只能吃小顆粒飼料?(一) Smaller feed only for small fish? - 1


Many fish friends say, the feed too large, fish can not eat it, Is this the feed particle size too large it? Or fish's mouth too small?


[圖片說明  Photo description]:市售飼料有不同尺寸大小尺寸。  There are many different size fish feed in market.

Fish feed in market to sell, there are many different size, including,  tiny(SS), small(S), medium(M) and large(L), We observed fish foraging habits and manner, "Small size fish only eat small feed?" it is different eating patterns between artificial breeding of ornamental fish and live in outdoor fish (natural environment) by eat bait, foraging habits completely. Fish be enforced to change eat bait habit and way from feeding practices.

(一)、觀察食物來源、覓食方式與習性  Observe food sources, feeding ways and habits


Fishes are prowl live in natural environment, fishes will crunch and swallow when find food, If the food size is large, they will eat it by pecking, it is impossible to swallow large food into belly directly, Fish break down food into smaller size by pecking, we can observe fish bait way, while they are while looking for food, while eating food. they will graded eating when food size is large.


[圖片說明  Photo description]:龍魚嘴型幅度相當大,牠們會先咬斷、撕裂後,讓餌食體積變小後再吞食。  Although dragon fish mouth very big, they will be snapped, tear food and swallow smaller sized food.

Goldfish, Koi, Carp always snatch food, compete food when feeding, They always eat lot of feed in full mouth, If the feed particles is large, they are still eat it! eat it! Small size fish must to eat bait by pecking, because the mouth is very small, Many carnivorous fish will graded ingestion when the food size is large.

另一個重要觀察重點就是餌料的位置性,簡單地說,就是「浮水」與「沉底」。觀察溪流、湖泊中的魚隻覓食,幾乎都在溪底、河床、石頭縫隙中找尋食物,鮮少會接近水面覓食,這種習性,一來可避開自己成為其它強者的「食物」外,二來,藻類、浮流生物、小蝦、小魚...等,多半分佈在中、下層區域,自然地,魚隻當然不會接近水面覓食找食物。以目前人工飼料種類來看,大多為浮水性飼料,沉水性飼料種類較少。就飼料的沉水性,除與製作方式有關外,飼料含水分、原料重量...等,都是決定該飼料為浮水性與沉底式的關鍵技術。以世界知名魚飼料公司《日本  高固力,高夠力,Hikari》為例,在多款金魚飼料中,為何大多為沉底式飼料,而非是浮水性飼料呢?

[圖片說明  Photo description]:《日本  高固力,高夠力,Hikari》生產多款生產金魚飼料中,有許多都是下沉式飼料。  Very famous feed manufacturing company - Hikari (Japan)  product several feed for goldfish, those feed are sink style.

Another important is position of the bait - "floating" or "sink", Fish search food always at bottom, riverbed, rock crevice, they will be close to water-surface to feed. this is very danger to them, it will avoid to become "food" for another strong fish, Most of algae, microorganisms, shrimp, small fish distribute in lower region, fish will search food in lower region. Most of artificial diet is floating feed, there are many important key about production methods, feed moisture content, material raw weight...etc, Why most of Hikari goldfish feed is sink?


We perform an experiment to test feed particles size and fish eat the bait, we will observe the relevance of fish can not or refuse to eat large size feed, The experiment test to use "mini #1-Multi efficacy in one" to feeding.

(一)、孔雀魚吃餌  Guppy bait food

[影片說明  Photo description]:孔雀魚嘴型較小,但依然可吃下較大尺寸的飼料。  Although guppy mouth is small, but they can eat large size feed.


Guppy mouth is very small, they can not eat large size feed, Guppy eat all feed by pecking way.

(二)、金魚吃餌  Goldfish bait food

[影片說明  Video description]:金魚咬嚼飼料,且一口接著一口吃。  The goldfish crunch feed and bite to eat.

大多魚友選用的浮水性飼料餵食,魚隻吃餌料的區域範圍當然會接近水面。改以採用沉底性的《mini #1多效合一 好料》進行餵食測試,觀察發現,飼料在完全沉底前,就被魚隻「攔截」,而掉落在旁的飼料,雖然魚隻想先吃,但仍有飼料在嘴巴中,並不斷地咬嚼,還是放棄繼續搶食,將嘴中的飼料吞肚後再吃另一顆飼料。雖然《mini #1多效合一 好料》顆粒尺寸較一般市售飼料大出許多,但不會造成魚隻無法吞食,利用較大尺寸及較軟硬度,讓魚隻必須咬嚼待餌料吞肚後,才能再吃其它飼料。

Feed fish with "mini #1-Multi efficacy in one", goldfish eat feed in water, the goldfish bite to eat.

(三)、底部覓食  Bottom bait food

[圖片說明  Photo description]:魚群試著在底部找尋食物。  Fish try to search food in bottom area.


[圖片說明  Photo description]:魚群多半在中、下層水域覓食。  Most fish will search food in bottom region.

Fish always search food in lower region. When fish will spit out  immediately when eat gravel, they will not swallow to stomach. This is a natural instinct of fish bait food.

(四)、水面覓食  Water surface bait food


Most of feed are floating feed, when feed floating on water-surface, fish will to snatch feed immediately, Guppy and goldfish, koi eat feed near water-surface, the guppy will a bite to eat, but goldfish and koi will snatch feed quickly.


Many fish friends worry feed size too large, fish can not easy to eat it, so change smaller feed to feeding, but it will increase feeding amount of each mouthful, fish will snatch more food quickly, if the feed hardness is too hard, it is difficult to digest in fish intestinal, the hardness hard feed will decay in fish intestinal, it will increase the chance of intestinal inflammation.


The purpose of experiment that we will observe the relationship of feed size and fish eating bait behavior, if feeding large size feed, fish will change the behavior of eating bait.


1.To feeding larger size and sink feed, fish bait become slower.
2.Fish can eat larger size feed directly, they will crunch feed.
3.No snatch food, fish becomes eat a bait one by one.


We find that feeding large size feed will not affect fish bait, but feeding large size feed will change  fish eating bait behavior.

安「新」去設缸吧!(二) / 安「新」去设缸吧! (二)

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