MINI Aquarium Accessories 迷尼水族精品


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2016年5月7日 星期六

過濾器改造計畫(三) Reconstruction filter 3


經過溝通與瞭解後,決定進行更換mini 多效除垢培菌棉》組 mini 淨水培菌包,希望能改善長久以來,水質無法清澈、渾濁的情況,在更新前,先進A階段實驗測試,其中又包括A1及A2兩個測試,B階段才進行更新海棉與淨水培菌包,比較使用前後的差異與過濾功效改善情況。

This is a feeding high volume and high pollutant feeder, he always face to 2 distress, 1st is 'Water, can not always clean and clear', 2nd is 'Must be cleaned and  updated sponge cotton usually' he must to buy and change new sponge cotton every 2 weeks. he hope that can improve water quality can not be clear, cloudy more effective by change mini multi-effect cleaning and bacteria culture filter sponge and mini water purification and bacteria culture mixed package, we perform experimental test A and B, it must to finish A1 and A2 in stage A test in advance, it will change filter sponge cotton and filter medium after stage 1. it will observe the difference before and after use.

一、飼養環境  Rearing environment

1.魚缸大小 Tank size:60x36x39.5cm
2.水量 Water capacity:83 公升水 L
3.魚隻數量 Fish amount:22尾(琉金x2、珠麟x3、斑馬魚x8、藍眼鬍子x2、鈴木東錦x6、黑獅頭x1)
4.過濾器型式 Filter type:上部過濾三層 3 layers upper filter
5.濾材 Filter material:由上而下,依次為: top-down, followed by, 
第一層 1st level:白色海棉 White sponge cotton
第二層 2nd level:生化海棉 Biochemical sponge cotton
第三層 3rd level:菜瓜布+陶瓷環+培菌陶瓷棒 scouring pads, ceramic ring, bacteria culture stick

二、A階段實驗測試 Stage A experimental test

A1:首先,先拍攝海棉上污垢,觀察海棉上被污染情況,清洗海棉表面污垢,經過三天過濾後,再觀察海棉表面污垢累積情況,並拍照比較。  A1: First, observe and shooting dirt on sponge, after 3 days,  observe and shooting dirt on sponge cotton again. A1 step ending.

將第一道海棉清洗乾淨後,觀察三天後,海棉表面污垢累積狀況。  Clean the sponge, after 3 days, we will observe the dirt on surface of sponge.

A2:清洗海棉表面所有污垢,再經過三天後,再觀察海棉表面污垢累積情況,並拍照比較,結束A2實驗測試。  A2: Cleaning all dirt on surface sponge. A2 step ending.

A1與A2實驗測試目的:  The purpose of A1 and A2 experimental test:


Comparison of white cotton be compared before and after cleaning, sponge observed contamination of the surface condition, A1 & A2 test (each 3 days), After the end of the A2, no cleaning sponges, measurement of water quality(pH value) directly.

三、測量水質數據  Measuring water quality data


It only clean sponges, and do not change water in A1 and A2 experimental test, the tank water have no changed for 1 week, its pH value: 6.4, the water obviously acidic

四、更新海棉及濾材  Update sponge and filter material

取出原使用所有濾材,分別放入:  Remove all original filter material, respectively, input:

第一層:多效除垢培菌棉  Layer 1: Mini multi-effect cleaning and bacteria culture filter sponge.

第二層:淨水培菌包  Layer 2: Mini Water purification & bacteria culture package.

第三層:羊毛絨  Layer 3: white and soft  sponge.

更新後1小時  After update 1 hour

1.更新海棉與濾材後,讓水過濾約1小時後,魚缸內的水,明顯清澈許多。  After update 1 hour, tank water become clear obviously.

2.再進行水質測量,包括:Water quality measurement again again, including:

pH酸鹼值 pH value:7.1

TDS(Total Dissolved Solids,總溶解固體):264




T.D.S.為 Total Dissolved Solids 的縮寫,為「溶解於水中的固體總含量」,簡單的說,TDS值,即「水中溶解物雜質的含量」,TDS值愈大,說明水中的雜質含量愈多,反之,雜質含量愈少。  TDS value is greater, the more impurities in the water.

五、一星期後觀察與測量  1 week later observation and measurement

更新新型海棉與淨水培菌包後,即進行B階段實驗測試,該階段測試實驗分為B1與B2兩階段,B1即為更新所有濾材後1小時~更新一星期。B2為更新後一星期。  It perform Stage B experimental test after update all new filter material, there are B1 & B2 in stage B, B1, After Update all filter 1 hour to 1 week, B2, After Update 1 week.


In period of B1 experimental test, there are large amount feeding, fish excreta and feed bait on surface of filter sponge, Because too much dirt in filter cartridge, the water level continues to rise, To avoid overflow water from filter cartridge, we only to remove dirt on surface of 1st leave cavernous by hard to get rid of. it no cleaned by water and rub.


After get rid of dirt on surface of 1st layer sponge cotton, the water level subside immediately, There are lot of dirt on surface of 1st layer sponge 2 days later, it get rid of dirt when large amount dirt on surface sponge cotton, A total of 3 times to get rid of dirt on surface of sponge in B1 stage.

(一)、各層海棉表面:  Surface layers of sponge

第一層(高效擋污過濾棉,1st layer: high efficient cleaning filter sponge)

第二層(長效培菌擋污棉,2nd layer: prolonged, multi-level cleaning & bacteria culture filter sponge

第三層(長效多層培菌棉,3rd layer: prolonged & effect multi-level bacteria culture filter sponge

(二)、淨水培菌包:  Mini Water purification & bacteria culture package


To avoid huge loss of nitrification bacteria by clean water, only to observed nitrification bacteria yellowing trace on surface of Water purification & bacteria culture package, it no cleaned by water.

(三)、羊毛絨表面:   Surface of white and soft of sponge


When surface of white and soft of sponge more clean, the 1st layer sponge obstruct dirt effection higher,  white and soft of sponge have double effect of obstruct dirt and bacteria culture.


Mini multi-effect cleaning and bacteria culture filter sponge comparison with general sponge contaminated with dirt on surface.

羊毛絨表面受污染狀況  White and soft sponge surface contaminated

魚友友未更換新型海棉組前,白棉表面污染狀況  General white filter sponge surface contaminated

MINI第一道過濾海棉  MINI first layer of sponge

After cleaning, clean as new, it can be repeated use!  Put on the first layer in filter tank.

海棉表面附著很多污垢。  A lot of dirt on the surface of sponge.

再甩掉海棉表面污垢。  To get rid of the dirt on the surface of sponge.

用水即可輕鬆沖洗掉海棉的污漬。  Water can wash away the stains on surface of sponge easily.

清洗後的海棉,乾淨如新,可不斷重複使用!  After cleaning, clean as new, it can be repeated use!

其它相關內容  Related content

過濾器改造計畫(四)  Reconstruction filter 4
過濾器改造計畫(三)  Reconstruction filter 3
過濾器改造計畫(二)  Reconstruction filter 2
過濾器改造計畫(一)  Reconstruction filter 1

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